Taureg people are the inhabitants of Sahara the tamasheq language which belongs to the barber branch of the afroasiatic family they are called blue people because of their indigo dye color clothes they are semi nomadic people they reared cattle camel and sheeps they are Muslims believe to be the decendant of barber native tribe of north Africa,
Taureq have been in the historical influence in the spread of islam in the north and west Africa and it legacy in the sahel region,
Taureg culture is largely matrilineal in nature
Taureq women have high status compare with the Arab woman counter part,
Other distinctive aspect of Taureq culture include clothing food language and nomadic architecture is very dynamic,
Taureq are mostly found in countries like libya Algeria Niger Mali burkina faso and part of Northern Nigeria
They are very rich and highly respectful people because of straight forward culture