Peul International Ecomuseum Project By Agnam Godo

Oct 18, 2020 - 10:08
Peul International Ecomuseum Project By Agnam Godo

Agnam Godo International Peul Ecomuseum
Hearing of Monday, September 14, 2020
With his Excellency Mr. Macky Sall, President of the Republic of Senegal.
Fary Silate KA
Chairman of the ARP-TPS Monitoring Committee
Dear all,
His Excellency Mr. Macky SALL, President of the Republic of Senegal, did us the honor, for the third time since October 10, 2017, to receive us in audience at the Palace of the Republic, to take stock of the state of ‘progress of our Peul International Ecomuseum project by Agnam Godo, this Monday, September 14, 2020.
As a reminder, President Macky SALL received us:
in audience granted to His Royal Highness Mohammadu Barkinɗo Aliyu Mustafaa, Laamiiɗo Fommbina, Yola, Nigeria sponsor of Tabital Pulaaku International. It was after our Tabital Pulaaku International Congress held in Dakar, Hotel King Fahd, May 6-8, 2016. It was May 08, 2016;
October 10, 2017, on the Ecomuseum project: with the team of Agnam Godo, the representatives of the Yeeso group under the leadership of our brother Samba Touré, and the delegation of Tabital Pulaaku International made up of members of the ARP -Tabital Pulaagu Senegal led by our honorable President Elhadj Alpha Amadou Diallo, who came expressly from Guinea Conakry;
in audience, still on the Ecomuseum project, on April 22, 2018. This is where President Macky SALL once again confirmed his willingness to support us in this unprecedented and very useful project for the Fulani Community and for Africa ;
in this 4th audience granted to Tabital Pulaagu, the 3rd on the Ecomuseum project, which confirmed the official validation of the project by the Senegalese President.
On behalf of the whole Fulɓe Community of the world, under the aegis of Tabital Pulaaku International and on behalf of ARP-Tabital Pulaagu Senegal, we address to His Excellency Mr. Macky SALL, President of the Republic of Senegal, the expression of our deepest gratitude and our most deferential thanks.
The hearing of September 14, 2020, from 5.30 p.m., aimed to present to His Excellency Mr. Macky SALL, the 3D animated architectural plan of the Fulani Ecomuseum of Agnam Godo produced by our architect Moctar BA who It has already been presented in a small group to the Coordination and Monitoring Committee on Thursday 03 September 2020 at AGETIP headquarters.
Due to the COVID-19 context, this meeting at the Presidential Palace was not to bring together more people than the context required.
Four members of TPI were present:
Elhadj Alpha Amadou Diallo, President of Tabital Pulaaku International
Fary Silate KA Chairman of the Project Monitoring Committee on behalf of Tabital Pulaaku International, via ARP-TPS
Ms. Deffa Mamadou Wane, member of the Monitoring Committee
Mamadou Alassane Bâ, member of the Monitoring Committee.
The honorable deputy mayor of Agnam, Mr. Farba Ngom, initiator of the hearing, was also present with some representatives of the population of Agnam Godo.
To this were added the two project managers of the day:
Mr. Elhadj Malick Gaye, Director of AGETIP
Mr. Moctar Bâ, the architect who carried out this first phase of the work and
One of their collaborators.
After following the projection of the architectural plan document presented and commented by Moctar Bâ, President Macky first expressed his observations; which mainly related to the need to stick a little more to Fulani culture in terms of images, representation, symbols and local color, without overshadowing the international or even universal character of this project of a Fulani cultural institution and African.
Then, President Macky Sall gave the floor successively to Fary Silate Kâ, Hooreejo Alpha Amadou, Mamadou Alassane Bâ and Elhadj Malick Gaye for their comments.
After these various interventions, President Macky SALL took note of the state of progress of the work which he was delighted with and definitively VALIDATED the Fulani Ecomuseum project of Agnam Godo, and undertook to accompany us in the realization of this important project.
It was, without question, a defining moment in our history, in the history of Africa itself; because the Fulɓe of the 28 countries of Africa and the diaspora will begin to rewrite their history by themselves, for them and for future generations.
Now you have to prepare for the next step:
Start of work
Funding and financial management
Steering structuring
Identification already, in parallel with the progress of the work, of the various museum data collection sources and sites, in terms of Fulani and African tangible and intangible heritage, around the world to equip and supply the future Ecomuseum.
Tabital Pulaaku and all stakeholders, each as far as it is concerned, must prepare for the new tasks before us.
Done in Dakar, September 18, 2020
For the Monitoring Committee






