Jan 21, 2021 - 08:04


by Shaykh Muhammad Shareef bin Farid

Many people of our times who adhere to the outward Sunnan of Muhammad, upon him be ‎peace; are devoid of his inner character and inward illuminations; while many people of our ‎age who claim that their Goal is to attain the inner illuminations of Muhammad, are averse ‎to the outward Sunnan of Muhammad, upon him be peace. How can either of them ‎succeed?!‎

One is outwardly full and inwardly empty; while the other makes inward claims while being ‎bereft of the outer evidences of those claims. One has taken on the outward jurisprudence ‎of sharia of Islam; while their lack of spiritual purification in the inward excellences of Ihsan ‎makes them one of the causative factors for corruption and tribulation. The other has taken ‎on the inward journey of spiritual excellence, yet they remain naked of the outward spring-‎well from which these excellences originate – adherence to the LAW. The result is that these ‎spiritual charlatans end up embracing and spreading some of the worst religious heresies.‎

Shaykh ‘l-Akbar Muhy’d-Deen Ibn Arabi, once said: ‎

‎“Do not place your feet where you have not seen the footprints of your Prophet, may Allah ‎bless him and grant him peace. You should only place your feet upon his footprints if indeed ‎you desire to be among the people of the highest spiritual ranks and to have perfect ‎witnessing in the stations of intimacy with Allah.” 1‎

Imam Abu’l-Hassan as-Shadhili, said: “There is no greater miracle than the miracle of belief ‎‎(imaan) and following the Sunna. Whoever is given these two and then yearns for anything ‎else, then he is an arrogant liar.” ‎

It is clear from the citation that the Sufi Path was founded upon the soundness adherence to ‎the Book of Allah and the Living Sunna of His Messenger. Its goal is to take the servant into ‎the very presence of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace until the light of ‎Muhammad (nuur ‘l-Muhammadiyya) pervades his entire being. ‎

The Shehu described this profound station in his Fulfulbe’ poem,‎

 ‎“My friends, I began my praise in order to comfort my loneliness,‎

 Into my heart he keeps coming in, ‎

 I am longing to see him, the Most Excellent of the prophets,‎

 Muhammad, Ahmad, for he excels them all.‎

 In my heart I sing his praises.” 2‎

What the Shehu describes here was the causative factor for the many spiritual ‎transformations that he experienced during his 63 years. In the beginning, the Shehu was ‎permeated with a passion and yearning to be in the presence of the Prophet, may Allah ‎bless him and grant him peace, until he became annihilated in his Sunna. Thus, to the Shehu, ‎adherence to the Sunna of Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, both ‎inwardly and outwardly was the sole means by which one could arrive at the door of direct ‎knowledge and witnessing of the Lord of Truth. ‎

Shehu Uthman Dan Fodio felt that the Way of Muhammad (Tareeq ‘l-Muhammadiyya) and ‎adherence to his Sunna was the most perfect path to Allah and the sole means of obtaining ‎the divine mercy of Allah ta`ala. ‎

The Shehu says

 ‎“With my body, everyday truly,‎

 I long to see Muhammad, highly placed indeed,‎

 And my spirit, its food is praising him in truth,‎

 When I drink the waters of his praise, truly,‎

 I feel nothing but love for him.” 3‎

Allah ta`ala says in His Infallible Qur’an: “Obey the Messenger so that you may receive ‎mercy.” 4 ‎

This entails absolute annihilation and assimilation into the Living Sunna of Muhammad, may ‎Allah bless him and grant him peace. ‎

It is for this reason that Shaykh al-Junayd al-Baghdadi, may Allah be merciful to him said, ‎‎“We have learned this lofty science by means of the Book and the Sunna.” ‎

Shaykh ad-Darqawi, may Allah be merciful to him said, “If you want to be purified of doubts ‎and spiritual illusions, then always be strengthened by the Sunna of the Prophet, may Allah ‎bless him and grant him peace.” ‎

He also said: “There is no doubt that your safety, my safety, and the safety of everyone lies ‎in following the people of the sunna of Muhammad. They are the jama`at about which the ‎tradition of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, has come down, ‘The ‎hand of Allah is with the jama`at’, since there is no doubt that they follow the agreement of ‎Allah. If there are few people in it, still they are many. The jama`at can consist of one man if ‎his foot is firm in the Sunna of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him ‎peace, outwardly and inwardly. A jama`at of many people is not a jama`at if it is not based ‎upon the Sunna of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.”‎

The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace is the very source of mercy ‎and the means of Allah’s mercy impacting the worlds. Allah ta`ala says, “We have not sent ‎you except as a mercy to all the worlds.” 5 This is evidence that the Way of Muhammad, may ‎Allah bless him and grant him peace comprises the sole way in which the servants of Allah ‎can attain the highest stations of nearness to Allah ta`ala. ‎

The Shehu says,‎

 ‎“Whenever I go out, in whatever direction I turn my eyes,‎

 It is as if I see, and hear him speak.” 6‎

The unique nature of the Shehu’s love for the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him ‎peace was demonstrated by diligence in adherence to his Living Sunna and his annihilation ‎and assimilation into his inner states and character. ‎

This is validated by the words of the Shehu’s master, Shaykh Abd ‘l-Qaadir al-Jaylani, may ‎Allah be merciful to him when he said in his Fat’hu ‘r-Rabbaani, ‎

‎“Woe on to you! You who claim to be sufi, but still remain disturbed and confused in your ‎soul. The true sufi is one whose inner and outer have been purified by following the Book of ‎Allah and the sunna of His Messenger. The more his purity increases, the more he emerges ‎from the ocean of his own existence. He comes to abandon his own will, choice and volition ‎‎- all because of the purity of his heart. ‎

The foundation of uprightness is following the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him ‎peace, in his words and deeds. The more the servant’s heart is purified, the more he will see ‎the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, in his sleep, commanding him to do ‎something and forbidding him to do something else…‎

He comes to be with the prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, as far as his ‎inner content is concerned. His heart then becomes trained and disciplined with the ‎Prophet and in is presence, upon him be blessings and peace. His hand comes to be in his ‎hands. The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, then becomes the one to be ‎consulted concerning Allah, as the doorkeeper before Allah’s presence.” 7‎

Thus, the outward revival of the Sunna of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him ‎peace in all its aspects opens the door to the inner encounter with the light (nuur) and ‎spiritual reality (haqeeqa) of the Perfect Man. In order to maintain this direct experiential ‎knowledge of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace the Shehu prescribed ‎the prayer upon the Prophet as the key component of the inward journey. ‎

The Shehu said in his Usuul ‘l-Wilaayat, ‎

‎“As for the adhkaar (means of remembrance) by which the people of tasawwuf utilize in ‎arriving at their goals they are many…among them are those whose form of remembrance is ‎the prayer upon the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. This is the most ‎beneficial of the forms of dhikr for strengthening the soul. This is because the prayer upon ‎the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, is like cool water which revives the ‎soul after its spiritual lethargy…Verily the prayer upon the Prophet, may Allah bless him and ‎grant him peace, makes the servant arrive at his Lord and it takes the place of the teaching ‎shaykh when he fails to find one, all by means of the baraka of the Prophet, may Allah bless ‎him and grant him peace.” 8 ‎

In his Infaq 'l-Maysuur, Muhammad Bello, may Allah be merciful to him describes the ‎spiritual station which the Shehu received by adhering to the prayer upon the Prophet, may ‎Allah bless him and grant him peace. ‎

He said, "He (the Shehu) informed me of the time when he obtained the divine attraction by ‎means of the baraka of the prayer upon the Prophet (as-salaat `ala 'n-nabiyy), may Allah ‎bless him and grant him peace. He was persistent with this without boredom, laziness nor ‎laxity. Allah assisted him with the overflowing of illumination (fayd 'l-anwaar) by means of ‎Shaykh Abd 'l-Qaadir 'l-Jayli, may Allah be pleased with him, and his grandfather the ‎Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. ‎

He then witnessed the astounding things of the unseen kingdoms (`ajaa'ib 'l-malakuut) and ‎realized the mysteries of the kingdom of power (garaa'ib 'l-jabaruut). He witnessed the ‎phenomena of the Divine Attributes, Names and Essence. He became acquainted with the ‎Guarded Tablet (al-lawh 'l-mahfuudh) and untied its remarkable secrets. The Lord of Truth ‎gave him to drink the sweetness of inviting people to Him and crowned him with the crown ‎of direction and guidance to Him." 9‎

The Shehu advised in his Usuul ‘l-Wilaayat, “One of the foundations by which one can cure ‎the sickness of the soul…is by being persistent in the prayer upon the Chosen Prophet, may ‎Allah bless him and grant him peace.” 10 ‎

Amir ‘l-Mu’mineen Abu Bakr Ateeku ibn Shehu Uthman Dan Fodio was the second khalif of ‎the Shehu over Sokoto Caliphate and became distinguished due to the fact that his father, ‎the Shehu, disclosed to him 150 mystical secrets. Among these secrets is what Abu Bakr ‎Ateeku said,‎

‎ “One day the Amir ‘l-Mu’mineen Uthman Dan Fodio informed me saying, ‘Whoever does the ‎prayer upon the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, five thousand times ‎every day Allah will grant him ten things. Five will be granted in this world’s life and five will ‎be granted in the Hereafter. As for the five blessings in this world’s life: ‎

‎[1] Allah will provide for his daily sustenance along with his family; ‎

‎[2] Allah will alleviate his sins and cover them as well as those of his family; ‎

‎[3] Allah will furnish him with those who will serve him and assist him in every affair which ‎causes him difficult; ‎

‎[4] Wherever he resides Allah will provide him with a jama`at who will rotate around him; ‎and

‎[5] When he speaks among people his words will be accepted even with the most important ‎ruler in this world. ‎

As for the five blessings in the Hereafter: ‎

‎[1] Allah will protect him from what remains of his sins; ‎

‎[2] When he dies he will find all of his supplications accepted; ‎

‎[3] When his appointed time comes Allah will strengthen his imaan and Satan will not be ‎able to encompass him; ‎

‎[4] When his spirit is raised up to the heavens the spirits of the believers will surround his ‎spirit due to the contentment which Allah will have with it; and ‎

‎[5] When he is resurrected on the Day of Judgment he will be resurrected underneath the ‎banner of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.” 11‎

Clearly, the Shehu established his unique Path on the foundations of intense love and ‎passion for Muhammad; adherence to his living Sunna and constant sending of blessings and ‎peace upon him. This methodology induced in him an acute awareness of the presence of ‎the Prophet in all his undertakings. In a Fulfulde poem the Shehu said this spiritual station:‎

 ‎“When we have mounted and are setting out to fight for the sunna,‎

 It is as if he and I are together, and great is my joy,‎

 Wait! For I have seen many things throughout my life,‎

 It is as if I sit and look upon his face.‎

 When I am silent my heart is not tardy,‎

 In all my thoughts I desire to see him,‎ 

 Whenever I exchange greetings, it is as if he and I exchanged them, ‎

 It is as if I take his hand in mine.” 12‎

This refrain from the tongue of the Shehu sums up the essence of the spiritual path (suluuk) ‎which he adhered to in reaching his spiritual Goal. It describes the inner intoxication and ‎sober reflection of a slave completely annihilated in the Living Sunna of the Messenger of ‎Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. This spiritual assimilation is evidenced by ‎the outward adherance to the Living Sunna and inward perfection of character as a result of ‎the prayer upon the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.‎


‎1.‎ Muhammad ibn Arabi al-Hatimi, Muhadithaat Ibn Arabi, Cairo, 1967.‎

‎2.‎ From a Fulfulde poem translated by Mervyn Hiskett, The Sword of Truth: the Life and ‎Times of Shehu Usuman Dan Fodio, (New York, 1973), p. 55.‎

‎3.‎ Ibid.‎

‎4.‎ Qur’an - 24:56.‎

‎5.‎ Qur’an - 21:107‎

‎6.‎ From a Hausa poem translated by Mervyn Hiskett, p. 55.‎

‎7.‎ Shaykh Abd’l-Qaadir al-Jaylani, Fat’hu ‘r-Rabbaani, unpublished manuscript is ‎possession of translator, pp. 111-112.‎

‎8.‎ Usuul ‘l-Wilaayat, pp.32-33.‎

‎9.‎ Muhamad Bello, Infaq 'l-Maysuur, p. 57.‎

‎10.‎ Usuul ‘l-Wilaayat, pp. 12-13.‎

‎11.‎ Unnamed manuscript in possession of the translator.‎

‎12.‎ From a Hausa poem translated by Mervyn Hiskett, p. 55.‎

Extracted from the Tawq ‘l-Lama` wa Itmaam ‘n-Ni`ama Arabic:‎‎Niama_a_commentary_upon_the_Sawq_l-Umma_Ila_Ittiba_as-‎Sunna_by_Shaykh_Muhammad_Shareef_bin_Farid_arabic

and from the Tawq ‘l-Lama` wa Itmaam ‘n-Ni`ama English:‎‎Niama_a_commentary_upon_the_Sawq_l-Umma_Ila_Ittiba_as-‎Sunna_by_Shaykh_Muhammad_Shareef_bin_Farid_english


And here:‎umma-3/‎






