On the Guinea Crisis; I stand in Solidarity with the People of Guinea that Conde Must Go

Oct 24, 2020 - 18:19
On the Guinea Crisis; I stand in Solidarity with the People of Guinea that Conde Must Go

By Ousman Sowe 

The people of Guinea have had enough of Alpha Conde, the hate for Alpha leadership was in fact more justified when Alpha forcefully changed the constitution to enable him run for a third term, a move that seriously undermines peace and stability in Guinea and the West Arica region. While countries in Africa are engaged in changing their constitutions to accommodate a two term limit for Presidency, an 82year old Alpha Conde was determined at any cost, to change the constitution of his country to suit his desires. Here is a man who has manifested beyond all doubts that he has no interest in the lives and livelihoods of the ordinary Guinean.
In 2010, majority Guineans including civil society organisations in Guinea were adamant that Alpha Conde never won the elections and that the results were seriously rigged in his favor, a move that resulted into post-election violence. The leading opposition Mr. Cellou Dalien Daillo who was widely believed to have won the election was more interested in the stability of his country thus he accepted in good faith and never even challenged the results at the courts. A similar situation repeated itself in the 2015 presidential elections but since that was supposed to be the last term of the incumbent, Cellou and his team agreed to let it go and many thought he was not a brave politician losing sight of his love for a peaceful Guinea.
Surprisingly, Alpha announced his intention to run for a 3rd term against the wishes and aspirations of Guineans and the constitution of his country. Alpha would organize a referendum that would be boycotted by the opposition and civil society movements.
Again, there are all indications that this year’s elections have been seriously rigged but this time around, the people of Guinea seem tired and would not allow the victory of the people to be stolen from them for the 3rd consecutive elections. In the first place, Alpha shouldn’t have gone for elections but since the opposition knew very well that they would win, they decided to contest the elections to free Guineans from Conde’s rule. It is implied that someone who deliberately changed the constitution will do everything possible to remain in power but Guineans are ready to put an end to the nonsenses of Conde.
The people of Guinea have gone through a lot in the hand of Conde and his close associates, they’ve been killed, exiled, illegal arrested and detained, yet the ECOWAS, AU and the rest of the World continue to watch events unfolding in Guinea with little or no interest.
Alhpa Conde will be held accountable of all the atrocities and other human rights violation that have happened and still continue to happen in Guinea under his leadership. African Institutions and the rest of the world have a responsibility to ensure that the innocent Guineans are protected from the cruelty of Conde, ECOWAS and AU must act decisively to end the political problems perpetrated by Conde.
Conde must be told the truth, our desire for a more peaceful Africa must not allow all African to remain quiet while our neighbors suffer. If we continue to accept this from Conde, then we risk other African countries and Institutions to abandon us whenever our leaders also chose to impose themselves on us.






