My name is Ardo and I'm from Wuro fulbe" in the heart of West Africa.

Let me explain, my real name is “Ardo” it derives from the verb "ardaade" in pulaar or “ardaago" in Fulani which means to come first, to lead.
Therefore "Ardo" means a leader in both tribes or Clans but from what I gathered from family story “Ardo” is a king of mankind. Masha Allah.
Yeah, my late dad was “Ardo Maudo” the leader of our clan, the Ardo’en Fulani family and "Jaumo wuro" where we lived in Fulani kingdom in far-away West Africa.
My People the Fulani's or Fulbe are like Journalists, my profession no need to stick to a place; the earth is our village, provided we can feed our cattles in dignity and self respect. Allah Wallu Lawol Fulbe.