Mali: arrest of President IBK and Prime Minister Boubou Cissé

Oct 10, 2020 - 07:39
Mali: arrest of President IBK and Prime Minister Boubou Cissé

In Mali, the site of an attempted coup since this morning, President Ibrahima Boubacar Keita and Prime Minister Dr Boubou Cissé were arrested by the military and taken to the Kati camp, 15 km from Bamako, noted the correspondent of Financial Afrik.
Watch the film of the events:

According to the Norwegian ambassador, Malian soldiers mutinied on Tuesday outside Bamako. The Kati military camp (camp Soundjata) from which the destabilization against President Amadou Toumani Touré (ATT) started in 2012 is in turmoil. Several ministers and generals arrested. Follow the situation from minute to minute. The new president of the National Assembly, Moussa Timbiné, has reportedly been arrested. Just like the Malian Minister of Economy and Finance, Abdoulaye Daffé, arrested early this morning by armed men.

10:50 GMT. The staff of the armies under the control of the soldiers of the national guard led by Colonel Sadio Camara, the former director of the Prytanee, the military school of Kati

11:00 GMT: Military vehicles converge in front of the Department of Defense. The ORTM (National Television) was evacuated for security reasons but its signal is not cut.






