Transport: Dakar raises FCFA 17.6 billion to finance the pre-operation of the TER

Oct 11, 2020 - 11:24
Transport: Dakar raises FCFA 17.6 billion to finance the pre-operation of the TER

The government of Senegal signed on Friday with the French Public Investment Bank (BPI) a financing contract of 17.6 billion francs for the pre-operation of the Regional Express Train (TER) to link Dakar to the New town of Diamniadio , learned the APS.
The Senegalese Minister of the Economy, Planning and Cooperation Amadou Hott and the executive director in charge of export at BPI notably signed this contract of 26.9 million Euros in the presence of the Minister Delegate with the one in charge of Europe and Foreign Affairs, in charge of Foreign Trade and the Attractiveness of France, Franck Riester.
This financing from BPI to the tune of 26.9 million Euros (approximately 17.645 billion CFA) will make it possible to set up the services necessary for a good operation of the TER, by the TER Operation-Maintenance Company (SETER) “, underlines the Senegalese Ministry of the Economy in a press release published on its site.
The Regional Express Train (TER), “ one of the flagship projects ” of the Emerging Senegal Plan (PSE), will link Dakar city center to the new Blaise Diagne International Airport located 55km away, in 30 to 45 minutes, and will constitute the the backbone of transport in the Senegalese capital, it is argued.
The start of operations is scheduled for 2021, the statement said.
BPI France is presented there as “a privileged partner” of Senegal.
Quoted in the press release Franck Riester declared that, “this project is a symbol of the dynamism of Franco-Senegalese economic cooperation”.






