TPI Sierra Leone disassociates itself from the Pulaaku International Youth Association event scheduled for the 11th and 12 March 2023 in Freetown

Feb 25, 2023 - 16:32
TPI Sierra Leone disassociates itself from the Pulaaku International Youth Association event scheduled for the 11th and 12 March 2023 in Freetown

Friday 24th February, 2023


It has come to the notice of the leadership of TPI in Sierra Leone that  certain group named "Pulaaku International Youth Association " intent to hold its First Congress  in Freetown, Sierra Leone  on the 11 and 12 March,2023 claiming to be under the patronage of the President  of TPI Sierra Leone. 

We want  the Pulaaku especially Tabital Pulaaku Windere ,its affiliates and invitees to know that neither the Fulbe Leadership nor the  authorities in Sierra Leone are awared about the event and it is  very important to remind all invitees that  Sierra Leone is a country of law and order and there are procedures  to follow in order to host such event.
We are calling on Tabital Pulaaku Windere,its affiliates and all invitees to ignore the invitations for our best interest. 
By this Release,Tabital Pulaaku  Windere ,its affiliates, invitees and other interest groups have been warned and the authorities in Sierra are well informed. 
Thank you for  your understanding with the spirite  of  "Kawren- Townen- Pulaaku "
Long live TPI Sierra Leone! Long live TPI Windere!






