Title: My political and social thinking
At the time when our country, Niger is in the grip of demonstrations of the Civil society, the trade unions and other corporations, I considered useful as Nigerien to add to the democratic debate my, thought. Admittedly, we are confronted with various problems: Insecurity, Coronavirus or Covid 19, unemployment, cases of embezzlement of public funds, armaments etc … The State must engage in dialogue to create the appropriate conditions for sound management. We must move towards a social dialogue to allow a real political recomposition in order to organize credible and peaceful electoral consultations a few months before the presidential elections. Politics must be given its letters of nobility. Power, Opposition and Civil Society, must sit around a table. This is surely the wish of the people of Niger, tired of being swung from dead end to dead end and rushed into stretchers. We must overcome these instabilities that do not feed their men. We certainly want to move forward. We have the means and the strength.
Like everyone, I followed and followed the news of our country, Niger. And I analyze and draw conclusions. Everyone goes with their comments. This also brings me to give my opinion in the face of events of a National or African nature; in order to enrich the debate. These are clashes between the Government and civil society, both of which appear to be defenders of the rights of ordinary people. Each part, playing its role. But, civil society is this structure born as political formations in favor of democracy, this counter-power, this interface between power and the opposition. It takes on its full meaning in an organized community that integrates all the basics of democracy. It therefore occupies a place like all other organizations such as political parties, human rights leagues, associations and other corporations after a long struggle. It must embody the hope and the hope of the people in whose name and for whom it was born. Sentinel of a democracy, it must act and function in the name of the Law which gave birth to it to serve the “voiceless” in case this Law is trampled on. It must also challenge all those, from all walks of life who flay the Law under any pretext whatsoever. A Civil Society is a model made up of young people, men and women who must fight to restore the truth in a state where rights are flouted, confiscated. A Civil Society must stand up against injustice, tricks, including corruption and other scourges which plague our societies where the strong crush the weak while the rich turn away from the poor. Civil society must serve and not serve itself, just like power. It must embody the spirit of sacrifice by remaining at the forefront of the fighting to bring a failing power back to reason, that is to say on the right path. It must in no way give up in the face of so much blatant injustice and must focus its fight also in the direction of the equitable distribution of goods, that is to say wealth and exclusion as required by the CODDAE, ROSAD, ROTAB and other civil society organizations in Niger or elsewhere that are paving the way. A Civil Society must drink a republican sap, imbibe the virtues of patriotism and nationalism. It is essential to support a state and a country in the face of the various arrogances and colonial hegemonies that are still trying to extend their grip on the management of our wealth.
The Civil Society, its actors and animators must accompany our states in their difficult construction. Because as President Ahmed Sékou TOURE of Guinea so aptly put it, “We did not obtain our independence to lose our freedom”.
Regarding the Power in place, its primary concern is to serve the people with justice, fairness, transparency by providing them with all the tools of their well-being through an equitable distribution of goods and by protecting them everywhere and in all circumstances. . The rulers who have made a commitment to the people to do everything to guide them on the right path and to their destination, must make all efforts and sacrifices to achieve at least the majority of these objectives. These objectives are: water, health, school, freedom, payment of salaries, scholarships and various allowances. Respect all the attributes that are attached to the foundation of democracy: Eat at least 3 times a day, drink, sleep peacefully by accessing other rights, all rights.
The citizen must also fulfill his duties, all his duties. Pay their taxes and various taxes, be listed, establish their birth certificate, their national identity document, perform their civil and military service, respond to orders from the police, appear and defend themselves before the courts in the event of abuse, to file a complaint against the State and thank God, our countries have young, talented and competent lawyers who inhabit our courthouses. Respect the flag and the coat of arms then stop at the singing of the national anthem. However, the responsibility for educating, training, informing and educating citizens falls primarily on the State, which is solely responsible for the political destiny of the people.
Our peoples need all the intelligence of their citizens, a part of which lies beyond their border, that quiet force that is the Diaspora. This community which does not give up and which is ready to invest and to invest in its country of origin. As long as we make room for it and integrate it fully into all the structures of the state. It has sufficiently proven itself since the Sovereign National Conference which authorized the establishment of the structure of the High Council of Nigeriens Abroad with representatives at the level of parliament and government. A dossier which had been defended by the 28 delegates from various continents and supported by the plenary.
We bet that despite the succession of various powers that the one in place will go through with the efforts he has undertaken for some time. Indeed, emissaries of the State have traveled a lot lately in Europe and in Africa to give voice in this framework. So much the better if this old project succeeds. It would be a real opening of our country to the whole world. Many compatriots living outside Niger are immune to need. These Nigeriens or that they are working to make prevail the interest of Niger, as well in the cultural field as educational and even sporting.
Once again, it is up to the State to seize this pole which is held out to it. We know that there are too many things to manage and that the solutions are not easy to find. But, we all know too, that there are emergencies and priorities that need to be addressed. This case deserves to be classified among the priorities when we know that time does not stop. In fact, other countries have long paid dividends from the efforts of their diaspora. We bet that it will be the same soon with us when we know that it was in Niger that this idea was born before other countries. But since then, the project has been put on hold.
In each country or democratic state, the opposition has the right of city and must enjoy all its prerogatives and its rights prescribed in the constitution, this Fundamental Law. It must criticize and remind the other, the one opposite, that is to say the majority in the event of abuse and must have it served by its elected representatives who sit in parliament through arrests. Otherwise, by mail or in person by the Leader of the Opposition to the Prime Minister by audience. No democratic regime has the right to refuse freedom of assembly or the dissemination of the ideals of the opposition, if these do not affect republican institutions, the laws and regulations of the Republic and national security. Because national construction is everyone’s business. And because a state needs the arms of all of its sons and daughters to meet all of the countless challenges that arise here and there. Especially in a world that is getting more complicated day by day. A world that is globalizing in a globalization that drowns vulnerable states and countries like ours.
Speaking of globalization, we see that the world is in itself a global village, because this COVID-19 virus which comes from elsewhere, was introduced to us in a few weeks, due to the movement of each other through the world, and this adds to our already so many problems. We are currently recording around 609 cases in Niger, and more than 5,255 confirmed cases in Africa, we pray to God that they can recover their health, and I also urge people to take preventive precautions to counter this pandemic. I also welcome the decisions taken by the government such as the release of prisoners, because if only one contract this disease, the whole prison population would be at risk of being contaminated, given the small size of the premises where these detainees are already confined. The death of one or two or even more prisoners also means a loss for their parents. During this period when we are between terrorism and this virus which is spreading in lightning fashion, we must make a choice, that of saving and protecting ourselves by privileging our unity and our national solidarity. So that we can be united to assume our individual and collective destiny in order to build and develop our country that really needs it.
We are between the hammer and the anvil because each passing day is a victory over these two evils. Pray to Allah that our African populations and those of our country will be protected.
My prayers also go to our nurses in Niger who are sparing no effort to guarantee the health of the populations, and counter this pandemic, also to the defense and security forces who are fighting fiercely despite their meager means, in order to guarantee the security and sovereignty of our country.
If our states since 1963 had applied OAU resolutions to the letter, we would have set up a Pan-African force to deal with these terrorists and we certainly would not have lost so many men on the battlefield.
This is the place for me to pay tribute to the Chadian president, Idriss Déby Itno, who fought alone with his army, and was right in “boko haram”.
But where is African solidarity? Does this union exist only on paper? What is the G5 Sahel for? One thing is certain, it is that no war is won without joint action. Don’t we say that “alone we go fast, but together we go further …”
We must unite, unite and combine our efforts instead of dispersing them if we want to build together. This despite our differences of opinion and our different sensitivities because each of us will be accountable at his level. And as the wheel turns we will not escape it. And yes, it is in our interest to all of us!
I would like to take this opportunity to offer my most sad condolences to all these people, families, who are bereaved either by illness, or by the loss of a loved one at the front. To the family of our dear Imam of Niamey Honorable Cheikh Oumarou Ismaël reminded of God, I sincerely sympathize with their pain. May Allah reserve paradise for him as his last abode Ameen Yarabi.
In a few days will come Ramadan, I take this opportunity to wish Muslims around the world of Islamic Ouma a blessed month punctuated by peace, prosperity, happiness and tranquility in solidarity, Ameen.
Abdoulaye HASSANE DIALLO Abdoulaye Hassane Diallo
Doctor of Political Science
Writer, Journalist
President of the Nigerian League of Human Solidarity LNSH BANI- LAHIA
Mamane Bachir Moustapha Brah Bachir Brah Moustapha