Timbi Touni: marriage.

As part of the fight against the high cost of ceremonies, verbal complaints, fanciful divorces and waste, the Islamic League of Timbi-Tounni, in Pita, in the heart of Foutah Djallon, have taken drastic decisions to this effect.
In an 8-page document, the Islamic League, through 60 articles, set the rules for the celebration of marriage, baptism, death and the end of widowhood. Parades, musical entertainment, artist / musician or equivalent invitation, commercial cameras and photos, "Bayan" and Western wedding dress are prohibited.
Article 5: the wedding ceremony will take place at the house of the husband's family.
Article 6: It is forbidden to hide the future bride under any pretext whatsoever preventing the future bride from being available at the time of the veil.
Article 7: the bride-to-be is prohibited from going to a hairdressing salon on her wedding day.
Article 8: Processions, musical entertainment, artist / musician or equivalent invitation, commercial cameras and photos, "Bayan" and Western wedding dress are prohibited.
Article 9: It is forbidden to fix money on clothes, shoes and umbrellas.
Article 10: The bride-to-be is not allowed to claim money before their marriage.
Article 11: it is only allowed to send for the legalization of marriage (kumpital): the dowry, colas nuts, the mother's prayer rug, fanda kumpital, 10,000 gnf for the mosque and the costs of the certificate and the marriage certificate (currently 100,000gnf for both pieces).
Article 12: the minimum dowry for a girl who has not been married before and has no children is 1,000,000gnf.
Article 13: the minimum dowry for a divorced or widowed woman is 600,000gnf
Article 14: the dowry will be paid on the wedding day. Article 16: the sum for the mother's prayer rug is 200,000 gnf.
Article 17: Fanda koumpital 100,000 gnf plus colas, fanda foutou 150,000 gnf.
Article 18: In the suitcase, there should be only seven quality suits including the one that the bride should wear after removing the traditional veil, three pairs of quality shoes, a prayer rug and some small ornaments or of toilets.
Article 25: it is forbidden to bring the bride to body to body
Article 27: conditional contributions are prohibited: for example, it is a question of saying in a family that each member must participate up to such or such amount or object for such ceremony. However, not everyone has the same means. So everyone participates according to their means and their will.
Article 31: soft drinks or juices are optional and limited to a maximum of 8 boxes.
By Umaru Farug Sowe