Tabital Pulaaku Salone Sacked  Alhaji Juldeh Sow.

Tabital Pulaaku Salone Sacked  Alhaji Juldeh Sow.

Report reaching this medium indicate that the Fullah Tribal Head Western Area and the Council of Fullah Tribal Heads in Sierra Leone have resolved to removed Alhaji Amadu Juldeh Sow as the National Representative of Tabital Pulaaku International. 

According to a letter dated 28th May, 2021 sated that the Fullah Tribal Head and the Council of Fullah Tribal Heads in Sierra Leone after several  consultations with some stakeholders removed  Alhaji Amadu Juldeh Sow from his position as national representative of Tabital Pulaaku International in Sierra Leone. 

The decision to remove Alhaji Amadu Juldeh Sow from his position as national representative of Tabital Pulaaku International did come as a surprised after  stakeholders within the Fullah community notice the clandestine act of Mr. Sow in recent times. 

The Fullah community to their greatest surprise notice that Mr. Sow lacks respect and regards for the Fullah Chieftaincy and also the Fullah Progressive Union. He has also established a parallel group that bears the same name and meaning of the organization he claim to represent. 

This act by Alhaji Juldeh Sow  is not only aimed  at undermining the Fullah Tribal administration and the Fullah Progressive Union in Sierra Leone but also will  affect the gains which they have made  over the years. 

Tabital Pulaaku objectives are to advocate the good cause of Fullahs in member states across Africa and even beyond and the more reason they will not allow a single person or group of people to impede on the gains ade over the years.  

This medium also noticed that  Alhaji Amadu Juldeh Sow was appointed as national representative of Tabital Pulaaku International on April 8th, 2019 which  he accepted to work in the best interest of the organization but his latest activities speak different. 

He went further to register the same organization he represent as a company under  guaranty with the Cooperate Affairs Commission in Sierra Leone but took them court something which has never happen within the Fullah community. 

This medium also learnt that the Vice President of Sierra Leone Alhaji Dr. Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh is interfering in matter before Hon. Justice Adrian Fisher in favor of Alhaji Juldeh Sow. 
The  interesting part  is that the Vice President who should be seen playing a neutral is now taking side with Alhaji Juldeh Sow and even went  further to express his interest in a matter that is ongoing in the  High Court of Sierra Leone. 

More to follow in our next edition.