Don't associate every crime to Fulanis: We do not condone crime - FULANI ACTIVISTS

Feb 15, 2021 - 12:09
Don't associate every crime to Fulanis: We do not condone crime - FULANI ACTIVISTS

Mr Ahmed Barry has called on Ghanaians to avoid associating every crime to Fulanis, called on the entire Fulani communities to be law abiding and stay out of trouble. 

According to Mr Ahmed Barry they will not shield anyone who will be victimized by the law. 

Mr Ahmed Barry said they are worried about the recent crime rates  associated to the Fulanis living in the North East Region, recent robbery attack at Somanya-Koforidua road which led to the death of Mr Abraham Tetteh, an abundance driver attached to the Yilo Krobo National Ambulance Service and other parts of the country.

He said though there are bad nuts within, they will not cover up anyone but Ghanaians should desist from attributing every crime to Fulanis. 

Mr Ahmed said Fulanis are hardworking, law abiding people and have contributed massively to the development of the country. 

He said not every Fulanis are herders and not every herder is a Fulani, not every criminal is a Fulani and not every Fulani is a criminal. 

"In these trying times, it's unfortunate when we hear of incident of crime and Fulanis are mentioned particularly the media" he lamented. 

He further appealed to allow the law enforcement agencies to work.

" The law enforcement agencies must be allowed to work effectively and without any undue prejudice because bad reportage of event  could make Fulanis and other herdsmen look like monsters so let's not be quick to pass judgement" he said 

"Crime is crime and must be dealt with in a contemptuous manner, so every criminal must face the law equally. 

He advised the Fulanis to live in harmony with others and expose any Fulani who is involved with any criminal act.






