Cellou Dalein Diallo, the last bulwark against the dictatorship?

Nov 14, 2020 - 22:43
Nov 15, 2020 - 07:42
Cellou Dalein Diallo, the last bulwark against the dictatorship?

How far will Cellou Dalein Diallo go and how long will he hold the torch of the struggle for democracy in the face of a power decried and beaten down at the polls but which refuses to acknowledge its defeat?

 In the face of the hope it nurtures, is it not the last bulwark against the dictatorship of Alpha Condé?  Should we see in him the providential man who will revive hopes and allow Guinea to initiate a real process of democratization?

 Out of the ordinary character, with a legendary and inexhaustible charisma with the reputation of an extremely brilliant intellectual, the Guinean politician doubled as a statesman and great stainless bulwark against the dictatorship, Cellou Dalein Diallo, is by  elsewhere perceived as being the Guinean political miracle of the last two decades of struggle for the advent of a rule of law and democracy in his country.

 This well-born and radiant star which rises above all the human glories of the hour, is the well-deserved reward of the culmination of proven patience, of a lucid patriotism guided by common sense and  the reason.

 A man of faith, of a very broad culture and heir to the great cross of honor and human dignity, Cellou is also from the great family of the Fulani aristocracy.  He comes from the lineage of the great marabout chiefs, a bridge between spirituality and the society of great traditional conservatives who are most open to the Foutah of large groups and great civilizational cultures.

 From a radiant academic career to a very fascinating political one, including his administrative career crowned with excellence, Cellou Dalein Diallo is the expression of the most complete and accomplished success.  Beyond the caricature of which he is the object of his opponents, the figurehead of the Guinean political class is the perfect symbol of courage and bravery in constancy and unvarying convictions.

 A politician with a well-rounded and very enviable address book

 It is well introduced in the major salons of international diplomacy.  Vice-president of the liberal international, Cellou Dalein Diallo is one of the most restricted circles of major decision-makers in the liberal conglomerate.  Helping his mastery of sensitive issues and administrative machinery, he has succeeded in carving out a place for himself and is seen as a centerpiece whose expertise remains invaluable.

 Animation of colloquiums, international conferences, forums on external financing, he is called upon on many hot issues of the day.  And his contributions are very supportive.  In Africa, he maintains very good friendships with many Presidents on the continent, the most influential politicians and the most remarkable and representative actors in society.  It helps many countries in Africa and elsewhere in the design of projects and the development of poverty reduction strategies and mechanisms.

 His exceptional administrative career which will make him a good President rather than a simple merchant of hope

 He will not come for a permanent or temporary internship once in business.  He is a government worker who masters administration from the smallest to the greatest detail.  More than sixteen (16) years in government, including eleven (11) as Minister in different sectors until the post of Prime Minister, he has great assets which play fully in favor of his success once, President of the Republic  .  It is already well established.

 Man of cultures and dialogue

For some, it is a cardinal of peace, a sure path of patience and perseverance.  For others, despite the disconcerting caricature made against him, even his biggest slayers recognize in him his attachment to peace and his sense of discernment devoid of any populist excitement and erectile emotivity with very disastrous consequences.  He is a man of intrinsic values ​​and a special destiny whose exceptional career is the fruit of daily construction.

 Misunderstood in his own camp for his high sense of pacifism and tolerance, however, he is the subject of all witchcraft trials.  While he is not.  Less violent, capable of very unfavorable concessions.  Cellou Dalein Diallo is not a violent and radical man but one able to make the most incredible sacrifices for our living together.  In 2010, were it not for its sense of openness, Guinea was not going to have a peaceful tomorrow.  He accepted the unacceptable without being pushed by the oversized taste for power with overtones of very formidable violence.

 A strict man as demanding of himself as of his collaborators

 It is of proven administrative rigor.  He values ​​excellence and skills for success in the workplace.  His past as Minister bears witness to this at length and the success he has garnered is proof of it.  He is a great talent hunter and a big lover of a job well done.  It does not make room for the mediocre but for the most deserving.  His choices are not based on affinities.

 In short, it is a chance for Guinea to have this lucky son and a good reputation.  The fight he leads is to both unite and serve the Guineans where social justice will triumph in all its fullness.

 Victim of its popularity

 He is a man who enjoys too much sympathy.  His party is the most established in Guinean territory.  The ongoing witch hunt is nothing but a machine of destruction against it.  He tops all his opponents to the post for his unrivaled experience and his meteoric political rise.  He is taxed with all names of birds, communitarian, hate merchant, economic predator, but never without the slightest proof.  On the other hand, in 2010 and 2020, he always came out on top of the presidential race.  He is more comfortable in the face of adversity.  The more caricatured he is, the more sympathy he gains.  What paradox?

 Despite this journey through the desert, we must not lose hope.  The man is well in his star, it is only a matter of time not of personal mood.

 Ahmed Sékou KEITA
 Political analyst






