Can Beach Soccer in Senegal: Matar Ba Reassures: “We will put a whole device to succeed this great African event”

Addressing the president of the Senegalese Football Federation, Mr. Augustin Senghor, the Minister of Sports to reassure compared to the next organization of the Beach Soccer Can. “Mr President of the Senegalese Football Federation. I would like to congratulate you. The CAF Executive Committee has trusted you to shelter the next Beach Soccer Can. Of course, it is the state that accompanies you but trust, it is you who gained it at the African level. And this can will be at the same level as the CAN Senior Football. We will put a whole device to succeed in this great African event that will only make a tribute deserved to our actors of the Beach Soccer, who have been several times champions of Africa … “Matar Ba to continue. “And you announce that yesterday I received the Olympic committee and we hope that within 1 month we will share with you the new Senéglais sport code to make your suggestions, create a break and move forward to better supervise our sport. That’s how we’ll go from the front with all Senegalese …
“Source: Dakaractu