USA: an American of Guinean origin has the head of the MCC.

Joe Biden President of the United States, named Mahmoud Bah, american Guinean origin, at the head of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC). An independent government agency of the United States with the mission of the reduction of poverty in the world through economic growth. Now led by a Guinean American origin,
this agency has granted subsidies and assistance of a fixed-term term to developing countries since its creation. Born in Lomé - Togo, married and father of 03 children, Mahmoud Bah has more than 20 years of experience in financial management, public and judicial accounting, the board and the financing of projects in the public and private sectors.
He holds an MBA from Robert H. Smith School of Business, the University of Maryland Trade School and graduated into accounting expertise. An African pride in addition some dreams becomes reality than in the United States.