The Metropolitan Museum indirectly responds to my criticism in New Exhibit

Oct 15, 2020 - 20:36
The Metropolitan Museum indirectly responds to my criticism in New Exhibit

In a telivision interview that I did with our Esteemed Elder Leroy Baylor entitled “Racism at the Museum”; and a series of other live videos at the Museum, I specifically delineate the racist omissions of West African greatness in exhibits at the MET and MOMA museum exhibits.

In a new Exhibit entitled: “Sahel : Art and Empires on the shores of the Sahara” half of gallery directly mirrors topics that were in my critique.

Such as:

The absence of the rich West African Literary tradition of places such as Timbuktu, and Futa Jallon(Guinea).

The focus on Naked African animist figures and the absence of African textiles in the forms of Clothing. Blankets, etc,.

The omission of the Black African empires such as Ancient Takrur, Ancient Ghana and Ancient Mali.

And of course the absence of the mention of the West African Fulani tribe (Fulbhe)and the Major role that they played in vontributimg to everything stated above and many other aspects of African history, culture and traditions.

Well half of this new Exhibit covered every single one of those topics in a way that so mirrored my lectures on my YouTube page that the influence was undeniable.

It was beyond mere coincidence.

Even down to the manner of wording for example. One writing was entitled:

“The Exoansion of the Fulani (Fulbhe)”.

Any of you who follow my youtube page know that the title of my videos are worded in exactly that same manner.

And like my YouTube page has a 5 part series on the “Legacy of Cheikh Umar Tall” this exhibit also.has extensive coverage of the Umarian kingdom.

I also have a video entitled “Discussion and Displaying of the Manuscripts of Futa Jallon”in Guniea. So it’s beyond ciuncidence that this exhibit also displays a manuscript from Guinea.

The scholars of African literature generally focuses on Timbuktu manuscripts, and recently Mauritania. But never Guinea.

I could go on, but the point is that the mirroring of my topics in this exhibit were too obvious for it to be a coincidence.

Even in the Islamic exhibit -which I also criticized- suddenly stuffed a Black African written Quran from Niger or Chad in the mix.

Well Alhamdulilah, “we hurl truth at falsehood until.we knock out its brain”.

We may not get credit for our works but so what.. All credit belongs to Allah anyway.

One of things that I was blessed to witness while at the exhibit was a White Man saying to his white daughter that “West Africans had their own Democratic Republics and great empires before they were captured and made Slaves”.

Now that right there.. is how racism is killed. When all people acknowledge Black Excellence.

“History is best qualified to reward all research “.-The Honorable Elijah Muhammad
Elijah S. Muhammad Bah






