Suspension of the export of Malian livestock in ECOWAS areas

Mali, as a founding member of the largest West African structure, is targeted by a rain of sanctions decided at a virtual extraordinary summit of heads of state of ECOWAS.
However, the interdependence of states is an irrefutable truth nowadays.
Mali, a country with a strong pastoralist vocation and the second owner of West African cattle, is suspending, through the National Federation of Interprofessional Groups of the Cattle Meat Sector in Mali, the export of Malian cattle to the areas of the ECOWAS following the embargo on Mali, can we read in the decision N * 001 of FEBEVIM of August 21, 2020.
To do this, the president of FEBEVIM in the person of the Honoroble BA, with a view to the diligent and effective application of the said decision, instructs all the presidents of the Regional Unions of the sector in question, particularly the regions with high potential for breeding, to undertake to take all measures to prevent any change in any conveyance of cattle to the ECOWAS countries.
In addition, it should also be noted that the technical services of the Ministries of Livestock and Trade are ordered not to issue any cattle export certificate until the embargo on the country is lifted, adds Honorable Boubacar BA
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