Guinea: the protesters of Alpha Condé's 3rd term in the eye of the storm

The trials against the pro-democracies follow one another and are similar in Guinea. Two days after the appearance of Oumar Sylla, alias Foniké Mengué, in the court of Mafaco, and 24 hours before the verdict which will situate him on his fate, it was the turn of another protester of the third term to know his. In this case Souleymane Condé. This time in Dixinn. Even where, against all odds, a judge had been the exception who confirmed the rule by pronouncing an outright acquittal in favor of another opponent. But history did not repeat itself yesterday, Wednesday January 13, 2021.
The Souleymane Condé trial is quite a symbol. Here is a young man who, like many others, could have campaigned for the third term. To not only line their pockets but also get a nomination in the new RPG administration. Or at least stay outside where he was and observe the situation in his country. But, coming back to the country, he took risks.
He chose to respect the law. The one that allowed Guinea to take its head out of the water in 2010. It was in the name of these values, democracy and the rule of law that this young man resisted against all pressures. At the same time family, community and even religious to strongly oppose the change of the constitution. In addition, by his surname, he removed any ethnic and regionalist character from the political struggle. Quite a symbol.
Leaving certain countries to end up in Guinea, even in freedom, can sometimes resemble a prison. All the more reason to end up in a Guinean prison. However, it is this odyssey that Souleymane Condé faces. But, the man would be calm. Even admitting to being happy to have been a political prisoner. Proof, if needed, that convictions are stronger than physical suffering. They can even alleviate this suffering.
This is as much to say that, despite the ordeal, Souleymane Condé will come out on top of this desert crossing. On condition, however, that he does not suffer the fate reserved for Roger Bamba. Even if some believe that even Roger's fate can be enviable. Because, dead as a martyr, he gave of himself for his country. Which is not given to just anyone.
As noted above, Souleymane Condé took a risk in deciding to return home when he knew he was in the crosshairs of power. But, it’s on such occasions that men show their true selves. A young person who has taken such a risk is undoubtedly a man who can be counted on tomorrow. Until now, many of us could bet that no Guinean would take such a risk by jumping into the wolf's mouth in the name of freedom and democracy.
With the case of Condé and that of all the other protesters of Alpha Condé's third term, we realize that while the reasons for this country to despair are numerous, those to hope are no less so. A few days ago, another Guinean, who is also in the eye of the cycle, objected to those who begged him to leave that country for his safety. This time it is Thierno Monenembo. The famous writer insisted that he will now only leave Guinea for two reasons: attending a conference or having a medical check-up abroad.
These are all reasons for hope. Because today there are Guineans from all regions who are ready to make the ultimate sacrifice so that Guinea can finally realize the dream that was hers in 1958.
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