In a statement signed by the Special Adviser Directorate for Higher Education Hon. Abdullahi Muhammad Gurbin Bore, His Excellency Gov. Bello Matawalle has approved the appointment of Prof. Yahya Zakari Abdullahi as the new Vice-Chancellor of Zamfara State University Talata-Mafara (ZAMSUT). The appointment which takes effect from 11th February follows the movement of the outgone Vice-Chancellor to his new station at Federal University Gusau (FUG) as the university’s Vice-Chancellor.
Prof. Yahya who hails from Gusau is 50 and holds a Ph.D. in Development Economics from Shiga University, Japan. He has been a Professor of Development Economics since 2012. Prof. Yahya who has been lecturing in the university for 25 years now has occupied several administrative and organisational positions which include Deputy Director, Directorate of Examination and Registration, Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto (UDUS); Head of Department, Economics, Federal University Gusau (FUG); Director, Division of General Studies, Federal University Gusau (FUG); Chairman, University Staff Disciplinary Committee, FUG; Chairman, Governing Council Committee on Staffing Structure, FUG; Team Leader, Federal University Gusau-Zamfara State Government Relations Committee, FUG; Chairman, Library Development Board, FUG; and Ag. Vice-Chancellor, FUG among others. In addition, he was the immediate past Deputy Vice-Chancellor, FUG.
Prof. Yahya was a consultant RTI/USAID, consultant World Bank/Fadama III Project, and consultant DFID/Women for Health (W4H). He is currently a member of Zamfara State Economic Management Team; Vice-Chairman, Zamfara Strategy and Development Committee; and Team Leader Zamfara State’s non-oil export agenda in the National Committee on Export Promotion (NCEP). He is a member of the Nigerian Economic Society (NES) and the Japan Society for International Development (JASID). Also, he has more than 40 scholarly publications in his name and more than 80 administrative and organisational experiences to his credit. Prof. Yahya has mentored many younger colleagues and supervised more than 40 MSc. and 15 Ph.D. candidates.
Gov. Bello Matawalle who vows to revamp the education sector to enhance development in the state implores the newly appointed Vice-Chancellor to discharge his noble duties diligently. He also promises to continue to support the university to meet the demands of new age. The appointee has been directed to report to the Directorate for Higher Education for briefings.
Ibrahim Bello Zauma
Director-General, New Media
Government House Gusau