Dalein welcomes Macron's exit:France recognizes the gravity of the situation in Guinea'

Nov 21, 2020 - 12:24
Dalein welcomes Macron's exit:France recognizes the gravity of the situation in Guinea'

French President Emmanuel Macron regretted, in an interview with Jeune Afrique on Friday, that Guinean head of state Alpha Condé organized the constitutional referendum of March 22 with the sole aim of staying in power.

 ’President Condé has a career as an opponent which would have justified him organizing a good alternation of his own.  And obviously, he organized a referendum and a constitutional change just to be able to keep power.  That’s why I haven’t sent him a congratulatory letter yet, ’’ said Emmanuel Macron.

 A statement that wasted no time sparked reactions from Guinean politicians.  The president of the Union of Democratic Forces of Guinea (UFDG) welcomes the position taken by the tenant of the Elysee Palace.

 "President Emmanuel Macron admits that Alpha Condé organized the change of the Constitution for the sole purpose of staying in power," says Cellou Dalein Diallo.

 The former prime minister, who claims victory in the presidential election, assures us that through Macron's declaration, "France recognizes the gravity of the situation in Guinea".

 Dalein expresses his thanks to the French leader for his ’support for democracy’ ’.

 Pathé BAH, for VisionGuinee.Info






