Covid-19 management: “Macky’s government has just gone astray again” (By Habib Sy)

In all likelihood, my young brother Alioune Fall, advisor to the President of the Republic, did not take enough precautions, responding to my reflection on “THE ERA OF GOVERNANCE WITHOUT SOUL”. He begins his literary speculation, with a break in logic, even in the sensory thread between human and object, in a universe of metempsychosis.
He does not seem to have listened to “Things” well. He did not hear “the Voice of Fire”, much less that of “Water”. He theorizes in an incomprehensible way, a rupture between the dead being and the object, place of incarnation of his soul. However, in general, in African cultures, the object playing the role of intermediary between the human and the gods, is considered to have sensitive attributes, such as the soul. The African Mask, on which the poet President Léopold Sédar Senghor prays is a perfect illustration of this. “Masks at the four points from which the Spirit breathes”
“I greet you in silence”
At the legal level, “nothing new under the sun” Alioune takes up the developments of another gray eminence of the President of the Republic, “jurist tailor, haute couture” – I quote – for heads of African state infected with the virus of the third term, in this period Also, I would not like to focus too much on these aspects, even if they are interesting for the nourishment of the spirit. But, we do not fight the coronavirus with literary weapons or legal abstractions.
“Bullet down”. The government has just gone astray, by warming up old measures, to contain the coronavirus. In a sort of archaic vein, he has just renewed an old strategy to fight the new virus, by bringing the security forces to the fore. I would like to know in the history of mankind times when security and defense forces won a war against disease.
The excessive “policing” of war does not ensure victory. Our government has a habit of copying the practices of other states, with which we do not have the same realities. Governing a people, in addition to being an art, is a science. Observation and experimentation are tools that governments must use to succeed in their missions.
However, the government of Senegal does not seem to understand it, to manage to contain covid-19. On the order of the President of the Republic, and during his press conference on Sunday 07/08/2012, the Minister of the Interior highlighted the worrying situation of young people, the main vector of transmission of the virus. Therefore, we expected that young people would be widely involved, as dynamic actors in the new strategy.
Rather, force is envisioned to subdue them on beaches, streets, public transport vehicles, and other places where they tend to drown their idleness in this time of heatwave and lost hope. Lucidity would like them to be fully included, placed at the front of the front, to fight the enemy Covid-19. In military language, the Brigades of Young Fighters Against the Coronavirus (BRIJEC) could be created in the different districts of the four regions, the most affected by the disease, which are Dakar, Thiès, Diourbel and Ziguinchor. Under the aegis of the Ministry of Youth, political parties and movements, civil society, daara etc., young people would be trained and supervised by health professionals, to inform, raise awareness, in forms to be defined. by mutual agreement with the Ministry of Health.
The head of state would thus be given the opportunity to extend the national dialogue, the consultation that has begun, and to renew the thread of exchanges with these actors. The artists and particularly the Hip Hop movement would come in support. Large areas would be devoted to them on television, radio and social networks. Using their own language, they will pass the messages on to their comrades and friends. The security forces would intervene only as a last resort, in the event of public disturbances. You cannot rule a country by measures that can turn the energy of angry youth on the streets. The strength of youth must always be oriented towards progress. In any case, to win the war, the state must invest more in the health sector. Recommendations that Alioune will want to bring to the attention of whom it may concern, if he deems them useful. After this exchange, Alioune and I should devote the time of our discussions to other, no less useful activities. May he find here the expression of my fraternal and sincere consideration.
* Former Minister of State
President of the Party of Hope and Modernity:
Yaakar u Réew Mi