BBC journalist Amadou Diallo decides to retire

After a long career with the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), a public service audiovisual media, famous Guinean journalist Amadou Diallo has decided to retire. [/ dropcap]
It was on his Facebook account that he made the news official Thursday night. `` After more than 20 years spent at the BBC first as a correspondent in Guinea then as a member of the French Service of the same radio station in Dakar, the time has come for me to put down the microphone, not without bitterness '', writes Amadou Diallo.
Recalling that '' everything has an end '', the journalist emphasizes that '' my heart and even my whole being is filled with emotions because during all these long years we have walked together, you have covered me with affection, you encouraged me and your positive energy galvanized me every minute, every hour, every day. I thank you very much ’’.
“I thank God, my parents and my family. I also thank my wife who allowed me to work in peace in a political context that is often quite difficult in Guinea, especially when I was a correspondent. She, I call her the Queen of Diari. May everyone find in these few lines my gratitude and my deep gratitude, ”he concludes in his message which has elicited more than a hundred comments.
Pathé BAH, for VisionGuinee.Info