Alhadji Mohamadou Abbo Ousmanou is one of the greatest Cameroonian entrepreneurs of the first hour.

It was around 1936 that Alhadji Mohamadou Abbo Ousmanou was born in the department of Vina in the water tower region of Cameroon. Very early on, he lost his father and, like many cases, he had to start working life at a very young age to meet his needs and those of his relatives. Thus, at 12 years old, young Mohamadou became a motoboy with a transporter. A few years later, in 1956, he obtained his driving license and became a main driver in public transport for Alhadji Mohamadou Pantani in Garoua. As an ambitious man, he was not satisfied with his salary as a transporter and thanks to his savings, he also launched into business, later he would obtain a bank loan to buy his first transport bus. Over the years, N’Gaoundéré's son will gradually build his fortune between livestock businesses, general trade, agriculture, transport, tourism, industry, among others.
Alhadji Abbo is one of the largest corn producers in Cameroon through his company Maïscam. It is also present in tourism with its hotel the Relais St Hubert de Garoua. It is present in transport in all regions of northern Cameroon. He also owns one of the largest ranches in Cameroon, the AMOA ranch, which has over 10,000 head of cattle. The great Alhadji Mohamadou Abbo is also the head of the board of directors of the NOSUCA sugar company.
Alhadji Mohamadou Abbo is also a businessman who knows how to have fun. He owns an impressive castle built on more than 3 hectares in the town of N’Gaoundéré. Anyone who has never wanted to attend white school is also highly educated, speaks and writes French and English. Today he is considered one of Cameroon's greatest fortunes. But the truth is, this fortune has been built for over 60 years. Vision, work and ambition have brought a lot to Alhadji ABO who is the father of 36 children and 4 women.